Symptoms of damage
- Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the undersurface of the leaves and leads to downward curling of leaves
- Feeding reduces the vitality of the plants
- During feeding they secrete honeydew which attracts sooty mould growth
- It transmits mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV)
Identification of the pest
Riptortus pedestris
- Female lays single, stalked, sub-elliptical eggs on the lower surface of leaves.
- Egg period 5 – 9 days
- Sluggish, clustered on the lower surface of leaves
- The feed on the cell sap and grow in to three stages before pupation
- Nymphal period 9 – 14 days and pupal period 2 – 8 days
- Small, yellow body with hyaline wings dusted with waxy powder
- In year completes 11 – 12 generations
Integrated Management:
- Seed treatment with Thiamethoxam 30 % FS @ 10 ml/kg to reduce the sucking pest population
- Install yellow sticky traps @ 5/ac to attract the whiteflies
- Spray any one of the following insecticides
Thiamethoxam 25 % WG @ 40 g/ac
Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL @ 40 ml/ac
Buprofezin 25 % SC @ 400 ml/ac
Clothianidin 50 % WDG @ 20 ml/ac
Diafenthiuron 50 % WP @ 240 ml/ac
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